Summer is flying by.
Exciting things that are happening soon include:
*Hanging out with everyone I know tonight, including out-of-town visitor Liz Maher
*Next weekend, I'm visiting Danielle in LA, then we're going to Palm Springs for a week = VACATION
*Christie's Staff Art Show Opening is August 4th - 20 Rockefeller Plaza, New York, NY 10020
*Danielle & I are going to San Francisco in August, & Iceland in the beginning of September
I had too much caffeine yesterday & couldn't fall asleep. I had the day off & hung out with my mom. We went doctoring, shopping, & eating. Very fun. I love having the day off.
I also got silkscreen stuff yesterday. A new screen, photo emulsion stuff, & two squeeges. Things are slowly coming together, & I hope to have everything for the Fall Craft Fairs done by the end of the Summer. I've applied to the RISD Alumni Fall & X-Mas show, & will apply to the Boston Bazaar Bazaar when it's time.
I have a lot of trouble balancing a very demanding/time-intensive full-time job & making art. I'm getting better at it, but, living in NYC seems impossible for people who want to be full-time artists. Rents are too high.
If anyone knows of a great city to move to, please let me know. I used to think Philadelphia, but rents are going up there too.
I think I'm going to silkscreen some eyeballs onto fabric today.
P.S. I belong to the Mix-Tape-Club (MTC), founded by Hannah Berman (, in which members are assigned a month to make a tape, & send it to the other members. It's amazing. I've belonged for three years, & every month I get new music.
Right now, I'm listening to Suzanne's mix & it's amazing. Thanks Suzanne!
Have a great weekend everyone!
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