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Monday, May 29, 2006

It's Been A Long Time....

Here's Why:

* I moved at the beginning of May
* The Renegade Craft Fair is just a few weeks away
* I was busy reinventing myself at a seminar "Reinventing Yourself."

So, I guess, then, since I'm new, introductions are in order. My name & website are still the same, as well as my contact information. It's really a pleasure to meet everyone.

Actually, not much is different.

I've been working like crazy on T-Shirts for the fair, & trying to un-pack. Tamara was visiting this weekend, so I got to see her, which was nice. And Danielle & I went on a physical fitness kick today. We went hiking, jogging, & bike-riding. It may be some kind of fat camp, but as long as I'm hydrated, I don't care.

I've made a bunch of paintings for the fair too. They'll all be very cheap (under $75). So far, I have a tree, an octopus, a mouth spitting fire, a slug, & a hamburger. There are also slug shirts to match.

My sister made a really cute dinosaur the other night (it's bright pink & knitted), & is also making really cool bracelets. Please be sure to stop by & say hello if you're in the area. It's June 17 & 18th in McCarren (sp?) Park in Williamsburg.

Off to the daily grind again. Wish me luck.



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